Battle of Pharsalus(48b.C)

The Battle of Pharsalus

   The battle of Pharsalus was the definitive battle of the Caesar´s Civil War (wich confronted Gaius Julius Caesar and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus).

The battle seemed to be won by Pompeius, but Caesar show his tactical habilities in the battlefield.
The Cavalry of Pomeius was more numerous than the Caesar´s one, so they charge against the cavalry of Caesar, but the general had placed some veteran cohorts behind the cavalry, so his cohorts and his cavalry could destroy the Pompeius cavalry. 
After this, it was easy to encircle one of the Pompeius flanks, that was easily destroyed. After this, the rest of the Pompeius army fell back and returned to the camp just to submit to Caesar after a few days.

The armies

The Caesar army was compund by the veteran legionaries who fought in the Gallic Wars with Caesar
About the numbers the Pompeius army was two times more numerous (35000 against 70000), but the infantry of Pompeius was formed by recruits (but there were some veterasn to)
Despite the Pompeius genius, Caesar overcome this battle with one of the best tactic in the history of the ancient wars.

       Gaius Julius Caesar                     Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus            


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